Saturday, October 3, 2015


I promise to update so here you go
just got home from the doctor
the x-rays look good there's nothing broken so that's a good thing the bones look pretty healthy from what my doctor can see
but my shoulders shot
more than likely it's the same thing that happened to my elbows that's happening to my shoulder although you can't see it on the x-ray is very painful and uncomfortable
so in October on the 13th I will be going to see an orthopedic specialist
to confirm the diagnosis but we are pretty sure from my medical history that is the same thing that has happened to my elbows is happening to my shoulder
so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers over the next couple months so I can make the right decisions for myself as far as care and how I want to handle this situation but as of now that's pretty much all the information I can give you until I go see the orthopedic doctor
like I said before having CP takes a toll on my body and that's what's happening my body is just tired and it's getting to the point where it can't handle it anymore so all I'm asking is for you to keep me in your prayers at night time
and I will do my best to keep you guys updated on the progress and how this is going I love you all very much and I will update again soon once I see the doctor

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