Here's what I will tell you
I did not look at a scale I do not use the scale...I do not know what my starting weight was and I do not know how much I weigh now
Believe it or not that's a big factor in this whole entire journey of mine
Doing that has helped me out tremendously
Number 2 I have cut out all pop for the most part all chips
I do have a pop here in there but is very rare because you can't deprive yourself of everything it would make this journey completely hard if you did that so I do have pop here and there and a small bag of chips every once in awhile but it is very rare because my body is used to not having it anymore
Number 3 and this one is a big one too fast food is not in my diet anymore although you can't cut that totally out either so you could enjoy a meal here in there too because I do have stuff that I enjoy
Number 4 fresh home cooked meals have really helped me out I enjoy cooking very much ....fresh meals and stuff cooked at home is better than eating fast food
Number 5 I don't deprive myself of anything if I want it I'll eat it I just eat small amounts
You can still eat what you love just eat less of what you love
Granted the weight hasn't come off overnight it's been in process so don't expect results overnight
Number 6 its just amazing how much better I feel
When I first started doing this I didn't see the weight coming off and that didn't really matter to me what matter to me is how I felt and I started feeling much better I started sleeping better started just wanting to do things more and that's what matters to me the most it didn't matter if I lost weight or not just knowing that I'm trying to make myself better and make myself happier if that's what mattered
Now honestly I can tell you all this but really it doesn't matter what I've done what matters is what works for you because what I'm doing may not work for someone so you just have to figure out what works for you
That's what I can tell you and I also hope you all have a great day thanks for sticking around
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