Saturday, May 21, 2016

Happy Day!!

Today is a big day for me!!!!!
1 YEAR WITH MY NEW PUMP!!!....Now that deserves a banana split!!!!...not sure I will get one today but at least I can imagine having one smile emoticon
This time last year I was headed into surgery that basically saved my life!!!!
I can't tell you how grateful I am to wake up this morning and I hear the birds chirping and see the sun shining
Miracles are possible friends and if you don't think so just look at my smiling face because there's a chance if I didn't have this surgery this time last year that I would not be sitting here writing this to you this morning
I'm happy and I'm healthy and that's all I can ask for at this point going to enjoy the days that are coming and I'm going to enjoy the days yet to come
I look back on all the struggles that I have had in the past few years and I believe now that they were supposed to that someone can look back at my page and see everything that I went through and maybe think for themselves if she can go through all that then I can go through what I'm going through and make it
I'm not sure what God has in store for me or what my plan is but whatever comes I'm going to handle it with a smile
And enjoy every day that I wake up for because you never know if you're going to wake up for tomorrow
Please remember to enjoy your day and be happy with yourself and if you're not happy with yourself change something make it better there's no reason that anybody should be unhappy
I love all of you from the bottom of my heart and if you see this post today please press the like button below and let me know you stop by today

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