Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thought for today

Thought for today
I'm so glad my mom taught me some control and how to respect people.....because right now there's a bunch of people that need to be yelled at but because of the person I am I'm not going to do that
As a person that has a disability why do I get so disrespected.....I try so hard to be a person and to help out the community as much as I can but yeah I need something medically something always goes wrong and it's so hard to get what I need.....I'm not stupid and I know what's going on around me
My Hope for one day is that we all get treated the same no matter if we're sitting in a wheelchair or use a cane or Walker we all need to be treated the same because right now I'm really frustrated with some things but I'm trying to accomplish......all I get is answering machines with no answers 4 weeks now that's all I've been getting.....not fair that's all I'm saying
If you're an able-bodied person please don't take things for granted because one day you may be in my situation and it's going to suck

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