Saturday, September 3, 2016

Self-care update

Self-care update
Lately I haven't been feeling like I've been taking care of myself..... with all my doctor's appointments in appointments that I've been to in the past couple weeks I just feel I've been getting out of routine.... although I've been doing all my exercises and everything I'm supposed to be doing I still feel something is missing
Maybe it's because I know the weather is changing and snow will be here soon which is not very fun for me I'm stuck in the house and not able to get out as much so that could be a big part of it cuz I'm waiting for that to come and I know it's coming it bogs me down with anxiety
Here's what I'm going to do about this because I think it's important.... I'm going to focus my time on other things so I keep myself busy and occupied and really continue to focus on what I'm sticking into my body because right now I feel like I haven't been sticking things in my body that is very good for me and I don't want to lose all that hard work that I put into losing weight and feeling my best.... I know that over the winter this is going to be really hard for me but I'm going to try my hardest to keep it up and keep going because I just don't want to get back to where I was before I'm finally at a place where I'm comfortable with myself I'm comfortable with my body and my emotions and I just don't want that to go away
So friends if you don't see me on Facebook don't be alarmed but that doesn't mean I'm not around my computer's on most of the day so even though I might not answer you I will always get your message and answer you an appropriate manner which I feel is appropriate for myself.... if it's something I must see right away and you want me to respond to it then I suggest sending me a private message that way I will read it and I will respond as soon as I can..... otherwise everything else I will respond to you when I feel like responding if it's not important
This morning I woke up and I realized that I need to change some things so I don't lose everything that I work so hard 4 and so my emotions don't get out of place over winter it's really important for me to concentrate on myself
And concentrate on getting to the Boys & Girls Club is much as I can before the snow comes yes I know I keep saying the word snow but it's true friends it's coming and I can tell it's coming and to be totally honest I'm not looking forward to it at all if we could have summer all year long I would love it but unfortunately that's not how it's going to happen or what's going to happen so I just have to deal with it and take my days as they come
Please know that I'm here for each and everyone of you so if you need anything please get ahold of me and I will get back to you as soon as I can and please no I'm not completely off Facebook totally I just need to take a break and focus on myself and focus on things that are right in front of me like Misty's Keychains and reading my audio books so that I can feel great about going into these next few months so that when summer comes again I am ready and raring to go to have new adventures and great things happen
Just remember I'm always here so all you need to do is leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can but right now I need to take some time and take care of myself and take care of things in my house and my little business
Some people might not care about this at all but I do so if you feel like you don't care just keep going and you don't need to read this message at all but I felt like I needed to post this for all of you so you did not think I dropped off the Earth
Just remember I'm not completely gone I will still be reading my Facebook and posting once in awhile but I'm going to be quiet for a while because I need to do this for myself in any major updates will probably be posted on my blog and maybe Facebook I'm not completely sure but be sure to check out my blog
All my love and support is behind all of you 
Remember to keep smiling and go out and make someone smile because that's what makes the world a better place

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