Daily gratitude
I'm a person that doesn't go to church very often and it's not because I don't believe in my own personal savior the reason I say it that way is because when I was growing up my mom never made us go to church never made us go to Catholic School she always let us make up are own mind on a lot of things that is one of the reasons why I respect my mother as much as I do
As I woke up this morning I turned on the computer and I seen another shooting why isn't in this world that we just can't get along.... don't get me wrong I know there's evil in the world and I know that there's always going to be people out there that decide to do evil things and her people for no reason but come on there's been so much of it lately can we not just find a way to get along we don't have to like each other but that doesn't mean we have to use guns or other ways and means to kill people just walk away
This is also another reason why I never turn on the TV because all we see lately is nothing good..... there's all these channels on TV and even on the internet that report all the bad stuff why can't there be a place where we report the good stuff that happens in the world 2..... report the good news that people deserve and need to hear at this present time in our world because maybe that would help make a difference and just maybe that people would stop being so angry about whatever they're being angry about
I volunteer on a regular basis not because I have to but because I want to a part of me is hoping that it somehow makes a difference in the world and that people stop being so angry at each other.... I founded my own little business that I do out of my apartment in 2013 and everything that I send out is free of charge to whoever receives it..... I've never asked for anything in return for any of this stuff that I put in the mail for people to receive all that I ask is that you find it in your heart to help to make a difference so that you can see somebody smile and instead of somebody so angry they need to make the decision to go kill a whole bunch of people
I'm trying to make this a peaceful place to live and there's more people that need to do and work as hard as I am to make this a peaceful place to live because otherwise this is never going to change
I turned on the computer this morning and that is the first thing I seen and to be honest I wasn't surprised anymore..... that kind of behavior does not surprise me anymore..... and what hurts my heart the most is that I honestly think it's never going to end
Open your eyes friends your hearts your hands go out and help someone it doesn't have to be money it can be as simple as kind words telling them to have a beautiful day or lend a helping hand open the door for someone or if they drop something pick it up off the ground and hand it to them and tell them to have a beautiful day that is the only way that this world is going to change if we be kind to each other and stop fighting and bickering
Have a beautiful day and remember go out and make someone smile because that's what makes the world a better place