Saturday, March 12, 2016

Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude
The house quiet the TV is off and I've been listening to music this afternoon
So I have a little time to sit and write this for you today
I got to spend the afternoon with two beautiful people in my life who I love very much
One of my older sisters and her daughter....I love those two people so much they fill my life with sunshine
We went exploring around st. Cloud today my sister found out that there was a flea market in st. Cloud so we went to check it out we didn't go in the building cuz it didn't look very accessible and it didn't look very busy but I found out a few hours ago from my friend that lives in the building that it's very new to town so I may have to go back there and check it out another day to see if I can find any goodies
Then a few hours after that my mother and father stopped by on their's just been a fun-filled afternoon and all these people build my life with sunshine and make me smile
I also went to Savers with my sister and found three skirts....I don't shop there much and don't get over that way very much but I thought what the heck I'm going to check it out and see if I can find some smaller skirts to see if they fit me better than the clothes I have now.....I know they're not brand new or anything very expensive but that's not what I need right now anyways since I am going up and down and sizes I figured that was a good way to test out some new clothing instead of going buying something new and amazingly enough they fit me perfectly and I feel beautiful in we will try a new skirt tomorrow and see how it goes I'm pretty excited and pretty proud of myself for as far as I've come in just a little over a year....hard work does pay off
I hope you all had a great Saturday like I did it was just an amazing day and I'm so happy I got to see all of those amazing people that are in my life
If you've gotten to this point please press the like button so that I know you stopped by
It is cerebral palsy Awareness Month so please take some time to wear green....I'm going to be wearing green tomorrow cuz one of the new skirts that I got is actually green so I will be dressed in Green tomorrow
Please remember to be responsible on st. Patrick's Day do not drink and drive find a safe ride home...I love all of you with all of my heart and I do not want to get bad news that someone got hurt or in a very bad accident so please think before you get behind the wheel and drive away
I am going to make something for dinner not sure what that's going to be yet but I will figure it out
Have a great Saturday evening and I love you all very much
I will write again tomorrow thanks for stopping by

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