Friday, March 4, 2016

Daily Gratitude!!

Daily Gratitude!
Taking time to do my post early today because I feel like it
For those of you on my friends list that do not live in Minnesota it is snowing right now and I have to say it's pretty beautiful even though I really want sunshine and flowers
Today I am feeling pretty beautiful in red and black and I will post a few pictures on the end of this post so you can see what I'm talking about
Hoping that I can get a new mask for my C-PAP machine so my nose doesn't hurt and yes I know I have a sore on my nose so if you're going to point that out don't because I know it's there
I don't mind pointing out my imperfections today
It's really great to see all the lights in the comments on this post that I'm posting it tells me that people are getting something out of them no matter if I comment or just like it or don't like it I know that I'm making a difference in someone's life just for today
Just let you all know I like monkeys and Roses those two things are my favorite
I sleep with a night light on not because I'm afraid of the dark just so I can see where I'm going in the dark when I'm driving my chair to the bathroom or somewhere
if you're not having a great day today please no that it's okay to have a bad day once in a while and please know that I love you with all of my heart and remember if I can point out my imperfections and post them for all the world to see then I know you can have a good day too so please go and smile and if you can't smile go out and make someone smile because I'm sure that will make your heart smile
I think I'm going to make salmon and sweet potato fries for dinner sounds pretty good to me we'll see if I can accomplish that today
It's Friday friends ya hands up in the air like we just don't...... care I'm hoping you all have a great weekend and remember to relax and take care of yourself
The day is not over so I might edit this post and add a few things as the day goes on
My parts are in for my chair so they will be here next Friday to pick up my chair for a few hours to fix it so excited so I can actually get out of my house without having difficulty and feeling like I'm going to fly through the misty is so happy!!
One more thing I'm going to leave you with today please remember to smile there's no need for you not to smile even if you're having a bad day I encourage you to smile today see how it makes you feel you will be surprised I love you all very much and have a great Friday

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