Tuesday, December 15, 2015


I woke up this morning and decided that I was going to take some pictures and share them with you and tell you a little bit about what's going on right now with me
I've had a lot happened in the past year in my personal life and with my health to
but that's not actually why I'm writing this I'm writing this to tell you that I'm so happy to be alive and healthy enough to sit here and write this to you
if you were to ask me earlier this year if I thought it would have been around for this Christmas in the bottom of my heart I'm going to tell you no I do not think I would be here if it wasn't for the surgery that I had in May
The doctor told us…. Misty your lucky to be alive!!
There’s only a few people that actually know that I've been through in the past 5 years in the pain that I suffered in the past 5 years
I'm not going to go into all of that but the people that have been around me the past five years you know exactly what I'm talking about and I must say thank you to a few people my best friend Angie
I've had some pretty bad nights when she's been here hanging out with me and spend time with me
And all she does is sit there and try to make me comfortable and make me laugh so I don't have to keep my mind on the pain
So thank you my sweet friend I love you with all of my heart
To my parents and my sisters and my brother there are no words to tell you how much I love you
Thank you for dropping everything at the drop of a hat when it was necessary I have no words to thank you all I can tell you that I love you very much
I'm ready for a new year and new memories and leave all the old ones behind it's time to put me first
And it's time for me to realize that I do deserve respect and being able to be treated the way I should be treated
No more b******* friends!!!!
I'm a beautiful strong woman and I have my sparkle back for life.
I'm ready to go out and make new memories and make people happy
I realized I deserve that and I realized I deserve to see what life has to offer through the ups and downs in the all arounds
Look in these pictures I'm about to share with you I'm beautiful and I'm confident and I have my smile back in my sparkle in my eyes
that's amazing and I can't wait to see what the new year has to bring and where I have to go I'm ready for new experiences and new adventures
So bring it on I'm ready!!!!
I love you all very much and thank you for staying by my side through this road of mine and stay tuned see what happens if the next year because I'm completely excited I'm happy and I'm healthy and I have my sparkle back