Thursday, June 30, 2016

Daily gratitude

Daily gratitude
This goes out to my mother and my stepfather today
It's a great feeling to know that my parents are finally letting me make my own decisions on whether I want to come to a family function or not now don't get me wrong I love the fact family functions are important but I also know taking care of myself and having my own independence is very important
I asked my parents this year if it was alright if I stayed home for the 4th of July and I am so excited because they didn't fight me on this at all I was expecting them to have a big argument and a whole bunch of reasons why you should be there
I greatly appreciate the fact that they're giving me the opportunity to make my own decisions I know it's hard and it's a big step but it was greatly needed.... thank you for letting me be me that is the most important thing right now
I love you from the bottom of my heart and it will always be that way I hope you have the best 4th of July and that you're safe and that you have tons of fun
Thank you for letting me be me and having my own independence


Almost falling at the dentist on Monday has really done a number to my body I haven't fallen or anything since I got my pump replaced so having this happened makes my body feel extremely weird
I'm hoping giving my body time to rest over the holiday weekend and just spending time at home will help my body readjust
I'm just trying to continue to smile through these ups and downs on this journey of mine

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Before bed!!

I'm having a little snack before bed it's been a long day and haven't really been able to eat much so I figured this was okay to have
A little Cucumber ..... Sweet Peas and a few beans


Look what I picked this afternoon


I'm very thankful for the security and the police officers that are around the building 24/7
We also have a great property manager they always make sure we're safe and comfortable before they leave
As of 10 o'clock tonight someone was removed from our property for selling stuff out of there car which is not allowed on Catholic Charities properties this person is no longer allowed on any Catholic Charities properties
There are so many people in my building that are going to sleep a lot better tonight knowing this person is not allowed back on this property
Friends as you go to bed tonight and say a prayer that this person gets the help that they so greatly need
I'm going to bed tonight knowing that I'm a little safer than I was a few hours ago
I hope for all of you that you have a great day tomorrow and a great 4th of July please be safe cuz you never know what tomorrow's going to bring I love you all from the bottom of my heart have a fantastic night and may you wake up tomorrow with a smile on your face


I absolutely love the fact that on Wednesday night everyone is down at Lake George in my apartment building is so quiet and peaceful..... I absolutely love the fact that I can go in the backyard and work in my garden and enjoy the sound of the birdies and the trees and enjoy nature without the sound of people... it keeps my mind at ease in my body relax..... I hope everyone has a great Wednesday night

Tuesday, June 28, 2016



Man my legs are really sore today..... I think it's because I almost took a nosedive at the dentist yesterday trying to get in there dentist chair it's never happened before they always make sure the chair is lock so it doesn't move but apparently the lock is broken on that chair and they're going to fix it
Luckily my wheelchair was close enough to me that I was able to catch myself but my muscles must have tightened up so now today they are really sore
So I'm pretty uncomfortable today

Monday, June 27, 2016


I'm feeling really gorgeous today so I thought I would share a few pictures
Not sure why but I feel like it's going to be a good day
I'm off to my dental appointment soon so have a great afternoon everyone


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Love to help!

I'm in the mood to help somebody out tonight so I asked a friend of mine if she would like some grilled cheese for dinner
and the absolute best thing is that I absolutely love cooking even if it is a pretty easy dinner I still enjoy it immensely
so I guess you could say I'm paying it forward tonight and helping someone else out..... I hope for you that some day you do the same as well you'd be amazed how it makes you feel afterwards

Shout out!!

This is a shout out to any of my friends that use wheelchairs..... I've been wanting to invest in some sandals that will go over my braces so if you have any ideas for me of where I could get some please put them in the comments area below so I can check it out.... and here's a big thank you ahead of time for giving me the info if you do not want to comment on this status please message me privately


Decided to put my hair in an updo which I don't do very often so I decided to take some pictures and show it off
I happen to think it's kind of cute along with my many faces so if you're not having a good day today I hope this album of pictures makes you smile


Last full day of antibiotics And my last medical appointment for the month is tomorrow = Happy Misty
Happy Sunday everyone!!!

Friday, June 24, 2016


Nothing better than a fresh salad for dinner and the best part is everything is out of my garden except for the cheese and the dressing
now that's something to be proud of
have a great night everyone


There must have been lettuce seed in with my beet seed because look what I found in with the beat I found Lettuce ...craziness

Thursday, June 23, 2016