Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Yum...From the garden!

Cell phone!

Man its been a long day!!! But I did get a new cell phone...My # is the same....now I feel a little better about having to go to the city's every 3 months for my pump fills by myself...More on that at a later time or on myCaringBridge page. Night night friends! Big thanks to Thomas Ternes and Chad Hansen....Love u both!....O yes and its pink!!!!

Day 2!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Today's garden photos!

Dinner last night!

Forgot to post this....first pick! Out of the garden


Overwhelmed tonight!....Big changes are ahead!

I got a call today with not so good news!  My pump doctor was let go from St. Cloud Hospital!  So what dose this mean for me?  All my pump info has been sent down to Sister Kenny in the city's!!!  This means new doctor, new team....new everything.....
And to top it off I have no way down there as of now!
And here is the kicker my pump NEEDS TO BE FILLED ON THE 18TH OF AUGUST
All they told me today was you will be getting a call from Sister Kenny soon.
Can you say OVERWHELMED!!!!!!!!!!!
I will post again when I know more!
Say some pray's for me tonight!!!
Love Misty Dawn