Monday, December 12, 2016

Daily gratitude

Daily gratitude
I'm putting this in a daily gratitude because I have to tell you that I have so much gratitude for the team that takes care of me down at courage Kenny rehabilitation institute
I got a call this afternoon from my doctor's office down there and they informed me that I have borderline osteoporosis that is why my legs and bones hurt so much most of the time I don't even realize it because it's just a part of my life but my team of doctors down there confirmed it which really lifts a weight off my shoulders
I've been telling my team of doctors down here for years that my bones hurt and that I think there's something going on and I'm not talking the team of doctors that I work with on a daily basis for my health needs I'm talking the doctor that I was working with before I started going down to courage Kenny I had been telling them that I just hurt all the time and it doesn't seem to be going away well my new team of doctors confirmed it today we are adding 2 new medications to my regimen which means my medication list just keeps getting longer but I'm going to take it with a smile on my face and hopefully it makes my life a little bit better and I'm just going to keep walking through everyday like I do with a smile on my face
Like I've mentioned before my body is just tired but my spirit is stronger than ever so I will keep fighting friends so just keep me in your thoughts in your prayers today and I will keep fighting with a smile on my face as long as I can
I'm so grateful that I started working with this team of people I can not tell you how long I've been waiting for these answers because all this pain that I've been having...I'm very grateful today to know that it's not my imagination my body is tired and it needs a break
So before I leave you with that friends and wishing you a beautiful day and I hope you continue to stay on this journey with me as I fight everyday and I will fight with a smile on my face as I always do
So I ask you today go out and make someone smile because that's what makes the world a better place
With love from the bottom of my heart have a fabulous day

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