Saturday, August 22, 2015

Update 8-19-15

Sorry for the lack of updates
I know I promised you guys updates but lately I haven't been feeling like I should be doing an update or sharing what's going on
Lately it’s been really hard to come home to an empty apartment and not be able to share the day’s events with someone
I know I have all of you that care about me extremely but sometimes it's just not the same
I had a really good day up in the city is it I would just love to share the great news with someone special
Well I guess I will share it with all of you I had my first pump fill post-surgery and it went extremely well
They had to poke me twice to find the port to put the medicine in they got it on the second try and that's with no x-rays
They filled the pump and I will be good until November
We are all extremely happy with how today went
We also did x-rays to make sure the pump was placed correctly and in their correctly seeing how they were unable to do x-rays on the day of surgery
The surgical site where the pump is placed is healing very nicely I still have a few stitches but eventually they will come out
Overall I'm very pleased with the day very happy with my progress
And very very happy to be alive today
As I get set for Friday my heart hurts
As Friday comes I realize that it is eight years since my family and I sent my father to heaven it is final resting place
I know I don't talk about my father much and I never really did but I need all of you too know that I love my father very much
I think I miss him more today than I did growing up
I honestly believe that my father is help me get through the past few months
he's my very special angel in heaven today tomorrow and every day until I see you
Gary Allen Yanish
Your baby daughter misses you very much and loves you with all her heart

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