Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Letter from Misty Dawn

 I know I might have some people that do not like this are they have their own opinions on what I am about to say but that's okay have your opinions and think what you wish but it's time for me to share how I've been feeling.
Over the past couple days I've had a very important person in my life tell me that I need to open myself up and be happy with Who I am and they are right.  They told me to write about it misty, you love to write.  I know that writing helps you figure things out.

You are a strong beautiful woman I'm so proud of you.

If I could take your pain away I would.
If I would have seen this coming I would have told you to get out of there before your heart hurt.

But I did not see it coming so all I can tell you is to be a strong confident woman and hold your head up high and know that I love you with all of my heart.

This person is right I am a beautiful strong confident woman and I am going to hold my head up high and be happy with who I am.

I know I don't have a full time job with lots of money or a car that I can get around in.

Here's what I do have:
I have a place that I volunteer and that I love going to in seeing the faces of the children that I make a difference for and I work with staff that treat me with respect and they don't see the chair they see misty and that is what matters.

I also have my own little business that I started completely on my own relying completely on donations.  I love seeing kids smile when they're hurting, I love getting letters in the mail, then they say thank you very much for your keychains. I mean those people smile all on my own if even if it’s just for a moment at least I can say I did that.

And yes I can say I'm happy with myself I get up every morning and put myself in my chair and deal with what the day has to bring.  I don't think I'd want to be any other way than what I am right now because I love Who I am and where I'm going.

Someone hurt me bad and my heart is broken.  They want to be friends and act like everything's okay but I know it’s not OK .  It’s not okay what happened and what is happening.  You can do what you wish but I'm not going to stick around to watch you do it when I know it’s wrong!

I hope someday I find someone that loves me for me no matter what happens and realizes that the wheelchair is always going to be a part of my life no matter what.  If I find that special someone that is wonderful but if I don't I am happy with myself and it’s okay to be myself.

So I'm going on to be the strong confident woman I know I am.

To my friends and family I love you very much and thank you for being by my side and I'm always here if you need something  I'm making some changes in my life starting today every night I will be shutting my phone off at 9 o'clock for some time for myself.  If you need me and you really know who I am you have my other number so you can call me at home.

I'm shutting down my CaringBridge site as of today I've been getting some awful nasty comments on that site so I'm taking it down.

If you wish to know what's going on with me health wise things will be posted on Facebook and my blog as well.

So I'm going to go for now please be sure to check my blog and what I write because I'm going to continue to write and share how I feel so please come by once in a while and say hi.

Love Misty Dawn

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