Saturday, March 19, 2016

It's Friday!!

Daily Gratitude
It's Friday....yay!!!!
I finally have some time to sit and write this for you without people coming in and out of my door and knocking
Don't get me wrong I'm very grateful for each and everyone of you to stop by or if I ordered something or if I got something in the mail I am very grateful for all of it
There's just some days where I need to breathe and today is one of those days probably because it's the day after I got my pump filled and I never seem to rest after that happens
My body knows that I need to let it rest and just let the medicine readjust in my system but I never do that...I always think I have super powers and I can do anything and everything the day after I get my pump filled and I always seem to regret that a few days later cuz I'm so exhausted and tired
Today is one of those days where I will admit I'm ready for Sunshine and warmer weather
Today in Minnesota or at least where I live it's raining wet and snowing all at once
I say that statement this way because I know I have a lot of friends on Facebook that do not live in Minnesota so for you to experience Minnesota weather I will explained in detail so you understand smile emoticon
Some days it's really hard to understand if my cat loves me or not because I got her from a couple that used to live in my apartment building and to be honest she's a difficult cat because someday she's happy and other days she's not and yesterday I got home and all she wanted to do was sit on my lap I got nothing accomplished yesterday maybe that's her way of telling me that I need to rest and as of right now I have no idea where she is in this house that I live in..... she's hiding
Let's see what can I tell you that I accomplish today....I called about my TENS unit cause I still haven't heard and I still haven't received any pads come to find out the paperwork that I sent in a few weeks ago went to the wrong department and they sent it to the wrong departments so long story short it's still a waiting game to see if I get the part I need to use my TENS unit...and I've been dealing with this for over a year now hopefully today's phone call will solve the situation but I'm just not positive on that
Really glad to have a weekend where I have no plans or nothing to do just some time for myself is really needed right now
I took some time to put my new virus thing on my computer today I left the old one still on there because it has 15 days left on it and once that is done I will take it off
I realize that st. Patrick's Day and Easter are in the same month so now I have to find some decorations to put on my door for Easter which means I'll probably print something off the computer and just color it.....I will totally admit to you I love to color
If you've gotten to this point please press the like button so I know you stop by
I've received the rest of my C-PAP supplies in the mail today so going to change them out sometime later tonight yeah smile emoticon
It's a really fantastic feeling when your doctor tells you need to buy some new pants because your pants are too big for you when you're at the doctor's office yesterday
I didn't really want to make anything for lunch today so I made a bag of popcorn and enjoy some of that with a warm cup of coffee that may not sound good to you but it was sure delicious for me
Give me some time and I'll fix the spelling mistakes as soon as I post this for some reason I'm having a really hard time writing this today probably cuz I'm really tired
My hope for you this weekend that you take some time for yourself and just do one thing for yourself I think I need to take my own advice on this one and just rest
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend I think I'd better go and put my Schwan's order away because it's sitting on my kitchen floor waiting to go in the freezer
Remember to take some time for yourself I love you all very much have a great weekend I will write again tomorrow

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